• Air yang diurai menjadi Gas disini, bukan suatu teknologi baru, ini adalah konsep teknologi lama yang telah terlewatkan daya gunanya. Teknokrat Dunia menyebutnya sebagai proses dari 2 Bagian Hydrogen ditambah 1 Bagian Oxygen, dan diolah oleh alat yang disebut H.H.O Generator.
  • H.H.O Generator memisahkan AIR menjadi GAS, dengan sebuah rangkaian elektronika sederhana, sehingga menghasilkan berbagai istilah, antara lain BROWN GAS, WATER FUEL, HYDROXY ataupun istilah FREE ENERGY.
  • Teknologi ini telah ada 100 tahun yang lalu, dan disebarluaskan sebagai ilmu teknologi global, yang mulai direkayasa guna keperluan suplemen energy hemat BBM (sesuai kebutuhan), pada berbagai jenis mesin kendaraan yang menggunakan bensin maupun diesel.
  • H.H.O didistribusikan ke ruang bakar mesin mobil, yang berfungsi memacu percepatan penyempurnaan sistem burning diruang mesin.
  • Setiap produk Hydrogen Generator, mempunyai spesifikasi teknologi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang beragam, sehingga basic alat ini mudah dipelajari pembuatannya sebagai ilmu teknologi open source.


HHO & Jakarta Post

Java government campaigns for gas-saving device

Indra Harsaputra , The Jakarta Post , Surabaya | Fri, 10/03/2008 11:35 AM | East Java

Amid soaring oil prices, the East Java administration is campaigning for a device called the water-4-gas that could economize gas consumption up to 70 percent.

Provincial energy and mineral resources office deputy head Priyo Darmawan said the device, which had long been utilized worldwide, was so simple that all car owners could use it easily.

He said the device consisted of a plastic box filled with one liter of water and four spoons of baking soda. The box has stainless wires inside and is connected to the car battery. It produces hydrogen-hydrogen-oxygen (HHO) gases, which are channeled through a small tube to the car engine's manifold to help speed up gas ignition, he added.

"The device can be applied to engines using both carburetors and electronic fuel injection systems. Besides saving gas, cars become environmentally friendly and can be run at high speeds. Your car can save at least 30 percent on gas consumption," he told reporters after launching the campaign in the city recently.

The government launched the energy-saving campaign in line with soaring world crude prices and the fuel consumption deficit at home. The prices of gasoline soared to Rp 6,500 per liter from Rp 4,500 early this year and Rp 3,800 in 2005, while the price of diesel fuel soared to Rp 6,000 from the previous Rp 4,000. For the industry, the oil price has almost doubled the fuel sold to the public.

To deal with soaring fuel prices, the provincial government has promoted the use bicycles and public buses among officials to save energy and prevent gas consumption from overburdening the provincial government's budget

He said almost all operational cars in the province used the environmentally friendly, gas-saving devise.

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